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artificial intelligence | Definition & how AL used

اذهب الى الأسفل

artificial intelligence | Definition & how AL used Empty artificial intelligence | Definition & how AL used

مُساهمة من طرف مليحة العتيبي 07/11/22, 07:13 am

Now we will talk about a very important topic in the world of data analysis, because the DNOD Foundation is always keen to provide an important educational aspect in the science of data analysis to all visitors to our website.
Our topic today is Artificial Intelligence ,is the science of making computers do things that, until recently, only humans could do.
The idea behind artificial intelligence is to build computers that can think and learn like humans. The first computers were built to perform simple calculations. Today’s computers are far more powerful, but they still rely on human programmers to tell them what to do.
Artificial intelligence software doesn’t need instructions from humans—it learns through observation and experimentation, just like children do as they grow up.

artificial intelligence | Definition & how AL used Artificial-intelligence-Definition-amp-how-AL-used-01

What is meant by AI artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a broad term that refers to the ability of computers to carry out tasks that normally require human intelligence. It can be very simple, like a computer that can play chess well or complex, like a computer that can carry on a conversation with you.
AI is all around us—in fact it’s probably how you’re reading this article. The first use of AI was in 1951 when Alan Turing created “Turing’s test.” This test was designed to determine whether something was intelligent or not by seeing if it could fool humans into thinking it was human.
What are the 3 types of AI?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the intelligence of machines. It is the ability of a machine to perform tasks that are normally done by humans.
AI can be categorized into 3 types:
Narrow AI: This type of AI performs specific tasks with limited knowledge. For example, it can play chess or drive cars.
General AI: This type of AI has basic reasoning and problem-solving skills that are common to humans. For example, it can solve puzzles and recognize objects in images.
Superintelligent AI: This type of AI has advanced reasoning and problem-solving skills that exceed human capabilities. For example, it can develop new technologies on its own without any human input, or write poems without any help from humans. 
Artificial Intelligence technology

Artificial Intelligence has been around for a while, but it’s only recently started to make inroads into our everyday lives.
Artificial Intelligence is the science of making computers think like humans. It’s not just about getting a computer to do what you want it to do—it’s about getting a computer to think like you so that it can come up with solutions on its own.
For example: what if your phone could automatically tell when you were driving and playing music for you? Or if your car could drive itself? What if your refrigerator could order groceries for you when you’re running low? Or even better, what if your refrigerator could tell when you’re running low on milk and then order milk for itself? Artificial intelligence is already doing all of this—and more!
The best part about artificial intelligence is that it’s not limited by human limitations: computers can work faster than humans, they don’t get tired or distracted, and they don’t have emotions that might interfere with their thinking processes. In other words: computers are made for thinking!
the future of AI

The future of artificial intelligence is a world of machines that are smarter than humans.
As we head into the next decade, machines will be able to make decisions and solve problems faster than we can. Machines will make decisions that are better than human decision-making because they will be able to access more information and make more complex calculations than us. They’ll also be able to execute those decisions in ways that are more efficient than humans—and with fewer missteps.
In the future, we won’t just have robots helping us out around the house—we’ll have robots taking over for us at work. Some jobs will disappear as machines become smarter and more efficient at doing them; others will simply become obsolete because they’re no longer necessary. But there are going to be new kinds of jobs that only humans can do—and if you’re not playing your cards right, you might lose even those!
 read more from : artificial intelligence | Definition & how AL used

مليحة العتيبي
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عدد المساهمات : 320
نقاط : 960
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/09/2022
الموقع : https://www.alothmanlaw.sa/

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