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store for sale in H Mall New Administrative Capital 250m²

اذهب الى الأسفل

 store for sale in H Mall New Administrative Capital 250m² Empty store for sale in H Mall New Administrative Capital 250m²

مُساهمة من طرف رضوي سعيد 19/09/22, 05:04 pm

H Mall New Administrative Capital    
Being in New Administrative Capital is unique, but setting up a project in H Mall New Capital is more distinguished because it enjoys all the advantages in the city, in addition to a large number of services and other competitive qualities in the project.

The developer company has worked to make H Mall very distinguished, and you will get what you want in the best way, and you will find in your hands everything you are looking for in important matters such as location, space, and interior designs that will make the presence in the place better and more competitive.

There is more than one service that H Mall New Capital offers you on a silver platter, including the facilities in it, the green spaces that your eyes are constantly looking at, and other things that are definitely in the interest of the customer in H Mall New Administrative Capital.

In this article, we worked to explain to you more than one important point about the mall in order to be more aware of the advantages offered to you by H Mall New Administrative Capital ... so follow us

H Mall Downtown location
New Administrative Capital is a brilliant name in the real estate world in the recent period because it is considered one of the cities that the state has given great attention to in order to be one of the major investment areas in Egypt and provide many important opportunities for business owners in the various activities they carry out inside H Mall New Administrative Capital.

In New Capital, there are a number of distinguished projects, many of which belong to the state in more than one field related to the manufacture of medicine or information centers and other important institutions that would contribute to the development and development witnessed by the state for many years.

Therefore, it was wise for New Event to choose New Capital as the building site for one of the important projects in the capital, which is H Mall, which has many distinctive details and works primarily to ensure that the investor finds what he is looking for in the project.

Many distinctive details in H Mall Project, including its important location in the Downtown area, which is one of the most vibrant places in the capital, which certainly contribute to the fact that the project is really different from what is in H Mall New Capital.

Here are the most important vital places and institutions near H Mall:

H Mall New Event is located near the central park in the place.
H Mall New Capital also has three entrances, all overlooking important places, the first on the central axis in the city, the second on Road 11, and the last one overlooking the northern Mohammed bin Zayed Axis.
Moreover, it is not far from the new monorail station, which connects H Mall New Capital and more than one area in the city.
The distance between H Mall and the corporate area is not great.
Also, there are only minutes between H Mall, the government district, Al sefarat district, as well as the financial and business district.
The information center "Data Center" has a small distance between it and the project.
There is only half an hour between the capital's airport and Watch Mall New Capital.
There is more than one project close to H Project, including the Capital Diamond Tower and the Centro Mall.

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عضو ذهبي

عدد المساهمات : 289
نقاط : 867
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/03/2022
الموقع : القاهرة

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