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COB LED Light Strips Most Complete Introduction

اذهب الى الأسفل

COB LED Light Strips Most Complete Introduction Empty COB LED Light Strips Most Complete Introduction

مُساهمة من طرف كمال رامي سامر 29/07/21, 10:19 pm

There are one hundred designs for one hundred kinds of spaces. In space design, light is an indispensable decorative element. It can not only beautify the space and create atmosphere like "wall make-up", but also can make the whole building full of fun and vitality through clever light and shadow changes and contrast between light and dark, bringing shocking visual effects. The mystery of "light" is hidden in every space.

Yiford company launched the COB soft light strip to interpret the mystery of "light" and bring unlimited surprises to designers



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عضو ذهبي

عدد المساهمات : 1871
نقاط : 5597
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/02/2020
الموقع : google.com

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