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When Designing a TV Background Wall

اذهب الى الأسفل

When Designing a TV Background Wall Empty When Designing a TV Background Wall

مُساهمة من طرف كمال رامي سامر 29/07/21, 10:10 pm

The living room space is the area for the family's daily activities and entertaining guests. Therefore, in most people's home decoration, more energy is often spent on the living room. The TV wall in the living room is the most important wall in the decoration of the living room. After all, most people's family habits are sitting in the living room chatting and drinking tea while watching TV.
The TV background wall is responsible for the facade of the home and affects the overall appearance and beauty. A well-designed TV wall will lose life without lighting. When designing a TV background wall, remember not to ignore this small detail of lighting design.


كمال رامي سامر
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عضو ذهبي

عدد المساهمات : 1903
نقاط : 5693
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/02/2020
الموقع : google.com

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